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Is training effective today?

Training by companies in this day and age is centered in quick, impactful information to get the employee to improve their methods to increase productivity. The gradual evolution of training has given birth to a host of models to choose from and methods to deliver it to people. These may  involve Online courses, zoom meetings, with the occasional classroom style training in the form of seminars and the ever-collaborative training as “best practices” training.

Changes to company training since the 80’s have brought benefits from improvement of employee output, to increase productivity and compliance standards, reduce turnover and increase in innovation strategies. All of this increases the company’s bottom dollar in the end. Employee training is important in satisfaction, motivation, a clear status of how the employee’s current work level and prepares the person for new challenges.

What is the reality of training?

From what you read at the top, training might look quite straightforward and accomplishes the goals the company needs to grow and be more competitive, but some of you might see things on a different light. Questions like:

Do the employees take the training serious?

Do employees think it was a worthwhile?

Do they understand how to take this new information and apply it successfully to their work?

These three questions might be the most important feedback the trainer/organization might look forward to determining how effective their training improves productivity. As technology allows for organizations to be more sensitive as to what their workers need to succeed, training itself has become very bland. Trainings will never answer every little or gap that can come across during their work, and yet some companies believe that once the training is done, everyone involved will immediately be able to use the new skills they have learned.

So, here are two questions in addition to that, are trainings transferring information or are they transferring skills to the workers? Are companies considering the way people learn or the importance this training is to them, what does it mean in the general view of their contribution to the work done?

Among the many models created in the past I mentioned about before, one interesting model is the percentages of how a person learns. The learning pyramid from the National Training Laboratories shows a good breakdown how a person can maintain new information and how to transfer that information to others. This pyramid goes beyond the “visual, tactile and auditory” we speak about when someone tells us “This is the way I learn”. It brings about the method of learning by doing, a practical way to take a person teach them and ensure the skills needed to be learned is done to retain and apply with no doubts as to whether the person has learned the skills necessary.

A hypothesis (or a light bulb moment I got)

At this time, let us review the process of how a person is trained. From the discussion at the beginning, the main reason for training is to enhance the skills of the person which will in turn provide for more productivity and greater profits to the company. But there are other, more secondary reasons, to look again at how we take training to a new level and at the same time benefit the person and the company.

First question, what are the goals for this training? Yes, yes, yes, all roads lead to productivity and the bottom dollar, but training is an exercise in forecasting, planning, and guiding that future to be one that provide us with more productivity and greater profits. Second question, is what we are teaching something that will benefit the employee in the long-term view of their career? Their job? (These are not the same, go with me on that for now!!)

Some companies see training in a negative light because they have the fear once the employee is trained; another company will offer them more money and will lose all the time invested in training that employee. It is the valid concern of small employers since it takes great time and effort to train people in a manner that will yield success for that business. But at this time lets concentrate on training as one part of the solution.

When training, all employers wish to train people fast, only once and all is good in the world, that is not the truth, but we all think it at times. So, we need to prepare the person for training, making sure they know they need to be mindful of what is being taught. The person needs to see what they are asked to do, this is where a trainer will begin point out the key points (or the “this is important” blurb). After the first run, the person will try it with the trainer guiding him through and also explaining the “why” of the key points, it is here the person will learn and be able to be involved in the process of doing the work correctly. And here is where I see a gap that forms when a person learns the mechanics and not the reasons behind it thereby making the person accountable for the actions they take. If you do not know why you are doing your work, you can easily believe it is not important to you, which in turn does not benefit the company.

From this step next comes the real clincher for the whole training to take effect: follow up. Once the training is done, there must be a way to revisit with the person to find out if they are putting their knowledge to work. This will involve checking on the individual frequently at first, then slowly make the check-ins at lesser times until the training checks stop all together. These checks can be done by the trainer or the supervisor with a straight intent that these checks are temporary. At this time, it is established the person knows the new skills well or comprehends the information from the training.

There are other reasons to have this method be the backbone of your training, namely when looking for trainers, succession planning, and improvements to the job itself, but those can be discussed later. Right now, this training method’s main goal is to ensure the person gets most of the training while being supported and lowering the incidences of errors.   

In the end, training is an investment in the people that will grow the company, and in teaching and verifying the person knows what needs to be done from start to finish, the company is ensuring they have personnel that will work for the benefit of the company. This is the return on investment that lets everyone know if it is effective and yields growth.

The way from here

2020 is done, 2021 will bring opportunity and setbacks to our lives. To some of tus the end of this dark tunnel is in sight while others are still fighting to survive. In all of this, at what ever stage you may be in, the question will come up……. what is the way from here?

You may have lost a loved one, a job, a house, something that meant a lot to you and maybe your loved ones. How do you continue?

It is at this time; we turn to something greater that will give us that extra strength to move forward and continue. But what will we rally behind? Anger or resilience? Will we join the group of people that seek to bend the universe to their will, or will we seek to understand how to be better from all this?

2020 is done, but we find ourselves at the best crossroads of each of our lives, how do we pick up and continue? Because we must continue, there is no pause button nor a way to get off the cray ride. We are stuck on the seat and wea re heading to the top of the roller coaster hill, eventually we will head down again.


This is a great opportunity to learn how to focus on our resiliency. This is a skill that gives dividends in exponential ways, to be prepared and willing to face the most difficult times in our lives and not let it . overcome us. To learn the skill to endure and stay the course no matter how long it takes, a person strong in resiliency knows that he will outlast any hardship.

We all face harsh adversities at one time or another. Sometimes the worst, hardest and most horrible times in our lives. To be resilient is to know that you are here for the long haul, the good, the bad, the horrible and the unexpected, it is all the same. Two questions that start this journey are, what do you control and what do you not control?

You have heard this, so this is not new, but what better time to put this to use. What better time to learn how to outlast any major obstacle by just realizing you can do what you control, and what you cannot control just let go. How do you respond, not REACT, to the upcoming obstacle? How do you realize that no matter what comes, you have yourself and your conviction to see any problem as temporary?

Life is difficult, unfair, it leaves us powerless, frustrated and thinking we have the worst of luck. And if we let it, life will hold us down and crush us under its weight. It is only through that self-defiant act of not giving up, not allowing the circumstances to dictate your actions and your thoughts. It is at that moment, when faced with adversity we have two choices; drive into despair, or rise to solve the problem/opportunity.

This is the opportunity to take a step towards being a better person and define our determination not to quit. And see the dark moment as what it is………….a moment. That is all. Nothing in the universe lasts forever, good or bad. Nothing can remain the same, there are good times and there are bad ones. All of us, in one way or another, go through this loop we have great times and we have hard or sad times.

Realize that the phrase “what ever does not kill us, makes us stronger” may sound a bit cliché-ish, but brings about an inner serenity of hope for trouble times.

If what you face will not end in your destruction/death, then whatever you feel when facing a difficulty is not coming from that difficulty, but from your perception of it. in knowing this, you have the ability to control how you respond to that difficulty.

This is how we get stronger; this is how we learn how to practice for those hard moments that come, but that also go as well. Take this time to learn to work through the adversity to become more resilient, this is a great time. You may not realize it, but what if………?

The Game has changed

2020 is already up on us. For us here at the SNMP we see a new way to live our life’s. This year we are striving to give more information to all about what you will need to succeed in life.

All of us are trying to make our situation better and this organization knows that the wave of distraction on an ongoing basis does not help make good decisions. Living paycheck to paycheck is the new dream, let alone find a way to improve our situation.

For this year, we hope to start a conversation into how to keep our new year’s resolution alive to change or be better throughout the year. All of us know the struggle of work, family and our own growth. With all this running around we forget the one true fact, we will fail if we try to do this ourselves. We cannot be everything to everybody 24/7, this is a recipe for disaster. We always do better when we are helping one another out.

I challenge all of you to think what you wish to improve and be consistent throughout the year. It is not just about getting that yearly gym membership that will be collecting dust by the end of February, but strive to push yourself to start and then to look for improvement. The game has changed this year, it is no longer ok to just survive, we have to thrive. We have to get out of our comfort zone and push our envelopes. And if we fail? This is not bad……how else are you going to learn? The best teacher is failure, and that is where we can start.