“The project” is a people-centric multi-service non-profit organization that works with people to set long-term positive personal and family changes. The project understands what services the people need to reach those outcomes. It will provide those services in a coordinated way and most of all, follow up to make sure that individuals and/or families achieve their goal.
The strategy to follow is designed in such a way that it “knits” the various services together and facilitates positive interaction between each other on behalf of the individuals quality of life.
The approach is to build trust, credibility and confidence with an initiative we call “One Family/One Plan.” It is but an integrated model of services designed to help participating families gain control of their situations by establishing realistic goals and with our help to climb out of the poverty mindset into a life of self sufficiency and stability.
This is a long term process, but we acknowledge how deep the “crust” of the imitations and poverty frame of mind in the individuals and families. To make a significant dent on these human circumstances, we have to help them achieve their goals through the outcome of their effort, the collection of data and evaluation of the program.
The commitment of the Project organization is to be an agent of positive change to the quality of life of under-served people. It will show tat initiatives like “One Family/One Plan” can get a person/family from here to there and do it with less money than it would cost normally, due to the consolidated use of assets.
It is expected that in the course of running the program, trust be built within the community through the ongoing relationships that come from being mixed into the fabric of the community life.
This fact alone would improve the odds of The Project helping peoples with complex problems. By significantly improving the life of the individual, the quality of life in the community improve as a whole. The advantage The Project has when acting as a provider and coordinator of a wide range of services is that it allows the organization to develop deep and comprehensive understanding of the people and the community.
Among the basic goals of The Project are:
- Hold itself accountable for long-term and complete outcome.
- People/families will receive multiple services (if needed) based on a plan that would be created with the staff.
- An extended relationship with with people will be maintained to ensure that they achieve and maintain long-term outcomes.
- Develop processes and set them in place to deliver multiple coordinated services.
- Gather data from the whole activity to continually improve service delivery.
Sobre Nosotros
El compromiso de la organización “The Project” es ser el agente de cambio a la calidad de vida de los desfavorecidos. Se demostrara que la iniciativa “Una Familia/Un Plan” puede dar poder a una persona/familia a moverse adelante y hacerlo con una inversión menor que lo que costaría normalmente debido a la consolidación en el uso de los activos.
Es de esperarse que en el transcurso del programa, la confianza aumente dentro de la comunidad por razón de las relaciones que surgen por estar mezclada dentro de la vida comunitaria.
Este hecho solo, puede mejorar las posibilidades de “The Project” a ayudar a la gente con problemas complejos, mejorando significativamente sus propias vidas en la comunidad. La gran ventaja, de la organización de ser proveedora y coordinadora de una gama de servicios, puede desarrollar un entendimiento profundo y compresivo de la gente as sus alrededores.
Entre las metas claves de “The Project” están:
- Como organización se hace responsable de los resultados a largo plazo.
- La gente/familia recibirán múltiples servicios (si lo necesitan) basado en un plan que sera creado con el grupo administrativo.
- Una relación a largo plazo sera mantenida para asegurar que las familias alcancen y mantengan sus resultados.
- Desarrollar procesos y establecerlos para llevar acabo servicio múltiples de una manera coordenada.
- Recolectar información de toda la actividad para que continuamente mejorar la entrega de servicios.